Daryl Cygler is a Smartphone Video Marketer with over 15 years’ experience in the industry. As a training provider for Digital Marketing Company Jellyfish, Daryl is an expert in his field.
Sales - Ensure you have a sales funnel in place so as all your messaging, no matter what platform, what style is delivered to one location that gets people into your sales funnel.
Systems - Businesses thrive on making money and saving money. Implement systems so you can save time. Saving time saves you and the business money.
Status - Status is all about you, your beliefs, your business, your results, your customers and your community. Share the message. People connect on a personal level. Different conversations create different connections. But what should you share?
Share it with Video.
Video - You engage with video. Consumers engage with video. So why as a business are you not making video? Get started and keep things simple. Imperfect action is still action and action is progress. The sooner you choose to embrace it, it will put you and your business ahead of your time and your competitors.
You can find out more about Smartphone video marketing here: https://smartphonevideo.marketing/