Overcoming the fear factor to sell more memberships

The great thing about the fitness industry is that whenever members come to their club to train, they all have the same intention to achieve their individual goals. Status and corporate hats are left outside, whether they’re doctors, labourers, or solicitors. Members acclimatise to the environment accordingly and find their comfort zone. This feeling of acclimatisation is the feeling of adapting and gaining familiarity to this environment.


Humans are creatures of habit and when they do not feel familiar with their environment, they become confused, irrational and react in different ways. Have you ever rearranged some of your equipment and had to deal with the ramifications from existing members who feel `disoriented’ to what they may have been used to for years?


So, if an existing member can feel disoriented and uncomfortable just from you moving a piece of equipment around, this may put into perspective how a new person feels when they walk into your club for the very first time. Let’s face it; a fitness centre for a new person, not wearing gym attire, who may be a little overweight, is one of the most intimidating environments. This element or fear factor when people enter your club is a big barrier that will need to be broken down so that you can encourage them to make a rational, comfortable decision as to why they should join your club.


The best way to overcome this fear factor is to apply the principle ‘Feel, Felt, Found’ to reducing barriers and making people feel at ease. You are empathising with the prospect as to how they ‘feel’ now, telling them that many other members ‘felt’ like that when they started, but what those members ‘found’, and what they will ‘find’ too, is that it is only normal to feel that way.


Here is an example. “Mrs Jones, when you first walk into any gym, the first thing you will think of is `Wow.. what am I supposed to do with all that!’ Don’t worry, it is right to feel like that, many of our members felt like that when they first walked into the gym, but what they found, and what you will find too, is that we have a person who spends over an hour showing you how to use the equipment until you feel comfortable using it by yourself. Is this personal programme something you feel will make you more confident exercising here?”


As you can see, you are reassuring the prospect that it is only natural to feel the way they do. When they feel that this is normal, and you provide a solution, it will calm their nerves and they can begin to focus more on what they want to achieve and how your club will help them towards this goal. What this ultimately means to you is that you will have a better relationship with prospects that will result in a higher closing percentage and more gross sales.