If you are an independent health club owner in the UK you will know that competition in the industry is at an all-time high. The harsh reality is that big box clubs like Pure Gym, The Gym Group & Fit4Less are opening in droves and filling up towns in the UK at record rates.
How can you compete against these clubs and keep your standing in your local market?
1. Laser sharp focus on customer service
How do big box clubs keep their membership rates so low? They have highly automated processes & scaled back staffing. It is now common practice for a new member to sign up for their membership online, receive their membership code via e-mail, and undertake their own induction in the club without even meeting one single staff member!
For your average Jo Blogs this can be quite an intimidating process. With a customer friendly, helpful approach you will be kicking goals left right & centre!

2. The community Approach
Big box clubs don’t normally have a community focused approach to their strategy. This is where you as an independent club have the power to create an environment that keeps your members motivated, engaged & less likely to leave! Member events, coffee mornings, free open days & bring a friend for free days are all great ways to improve the community feel in your club.
3. Sales training, sales training, sales training!
The CFM team undertake daily sales training to keep motivated & on the top of their game during campaigns. When was the last time your staff undertook sales training? Membership sales are the bread and butter of the industry and it is surprising the lack of importance that is placed on sales training.
With endless options available to customers nowadays, it’s essential that your club has a structured sales process in place with regular staff training. If you could improve your close rate by 20%, how many more members would that add to your monthly stats?
At CFM we provide a marketing solution to help gyms/health clubs get more members for their club. Download your free info pack here.